Review: Feardom by Connor Boyack

Connor Boyack’s new book, Feardom, is a triumph he can be proud of. While his previous works were more or less epistles to the people of the Mormon (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) faith, Feardom engages the entire world in a meaningful, concise discussion from which all can benefit. 

In Feardom, Boyack argues that governments use the fear of those under their influence to maintain and augment their power. His thesis is supported in every chapter with examples, studies, and other relevant data. The process is scientific, but easily understood. Typical of Boyack’s writing, each chapter is followed by thorough documentation of his facts. One is never left wondering if any evidence was fabricated.

Boyack knows his topic well and has clearly read a great deal on the subject. Drawing upon his studies, he constructs a clear argument and delivers it with precision. If you still trust your government, even in the slightest, read this book and you will be cured forever.

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